Thursday, July 23, 2015

Mexico's Animal Whisperer needs your help!

Since Jessica was 18 months old a few things were already very clear about our daughter

- She leads with tremendous passion
- She was put on this Earth to be a veterinarian
Rupert and Jessica enjoying a bubble bath.

Jessica does not discriminate with her love for animals. Feathers, scales, claws, hairless, she loves them all. 

Pedro, the bullfrog from our backyard
Piper, the bird we found on the beach and attempted to save while on an RV trip

We hadn't been in Mexico more than a few days before we started joking that Jessica had quickly become "Mexico's Next Animal Whisperer". Homeless animals (and there are plenty in Mexico) seem to seek her out, almost like Jessica is an animal beacon. There has yet to be a day that cats or dogs don't make their way over for some unconditional love and scratchin's. Inevitably it takes us a little longer to reach our destination as it takes time to love all those in need. It's not uncommon after eating out to watch Jessica pull a napkin out from her pocket with a small amount of meat she's hidden away to help feed a few hungry dogs.

 One of the many highlights from spending the summer in San Miguel De Allende is the amount of time Jessica gets to volunteer at the local animal shelter.  San Miguel's Sociedad Protectora de Animales (SPA)  has been operating for over 30 years and is the areas only no-kill animal shelter run completely on donations.  For Jessica's upcoming 12th birthday she wanted a way to help the many animals at the S.P.A.  After speaking with their Director, the S.P.A. has agreed to establish Jessica's Fund.

In addition to adoptions, the S.P.A. provides medical care not only for their shelter animals, but for injured and sick animals that are brought in. Each week, the S.P.A. encounters families who bring in their pets for veterinary care claiming they'll return to pick up their animal and pay for fees, only to not return. It's not that their pet is won't be able to make a recovery, but the costs involved that prevent them from coming back. Others bring in stray, injured animals they find and promise to adopt the animal pending medical care. Even though most of the time the costs of treatments or surgeries for these animals are not recovered, the S.P.A. has a promise to the well being of every animal and will perform any medical care treatment the animals need.
Puppies at the S.P.A.
In the Kitten Room at S.P.A.

All donations to Jessica's Fund will go directly to the S.P.A. to offset medical costs for surgeries and medical procedures performed pro-bono. Families will no longer have to make the tough decision to leave their beloved pet behind. Jessica's Fund will also help cover expenses associated with stray animals brought in needing medical care. Once medical care is received for these animals, the likelihood of them finding a permanent home is far greater. Additionally, by establishing a fund to offset these medical expenses, the S.P.A. will have more funds available for its normal day to day operating expenses.

Please help us in either donating to or spreading the word about Jessica's Fund.